The ACTION Support Centre (ASC) is the Africa regional hub of a global network of organisations and individuals committed to transforming conflict, ACTION for Conflict Transformation (ACTION). The ASC was established in 2002 on the basis of a mandate to set up a communications hub for the network members of ACTION Global. It has since transformed itself into a regional and continental base for organisations working in the fields of conflict and development.
The ASC is a strong network movement that amplifies the voices of communities and links them to policy makers at different levels through a focus on; human and peoples rights, capacity building, lobbying and advocacy, people to people solidarity, development, grassroots mobilisation, building organisations and movements, facilitating dialogue, training and initiating innovative forms of organising.
ACTION has regional bases in Cambodia, Philippines, Guatemala, and South Africa where the ASC is based and strategic partnerships with organisations in Asia, across Africa and the Americas, and in the European Community.
ACTION partners, members, and regional bases throughout the world are committed to the following broad vision, mission, and values as they carry out organic conflict transformation strategies developed in response to local conditions.
VisionA global network of individuals and organisations built on shared values, working with communities and committed to positive action to transform conflict and build a world of justice and peace, where basic needs are met, and human rights and dignity are respected.
MissionTo promote people-centered approaches to transforming conflicts through a process of learning, sharing and working together at all levels and to do this in a way that builds trust and creates a culture of peace.
The ACTION Support Centre (ASC) is the Africa regional hub of a global network of organisations and individuals committed to transforming conflict, ACTION for Conflict Transformation (ACTION). The ASC was established in 2002 on the basis of a mandate to set up a communications hub for the network members of ACTION Global. It has since transformed itself into a regional and continental base for organisations working in the fields of conflict and development.
The ASC is a strong network movement that amplifies the voices of communities and links them to policy makers at different levels through a focus on; human and peoples rights, capacity building, lobbying and advocacy, people to people solidarity, development, grassroots mobilisation, building organisations and movements, facilitating dialogue, training and initiating innovative forms of organising.
ACTION has regional bases in Cambodia, Philippines…