Organización Sin Fin de Lucro

National Latino Alliance for the Elimination of Domestic Violence

New York, NY

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    ALIANZA's mission and purpose.

    The National Latino Alliance for the Elimination of Domestic Violence (ALIANZA) is part of a national effort to address the domestic violence needs and concerns of underserved populations. It represents a growing network of Latina and Latino advocates, community activists, practitioners, researchers, and survivors of domestic violence dedicated to creating culturally competent strategies and programs to help eliminate domestic violence in Latino communities.

    The ALIANZA's mission is to promote understanding, sustain dialogue, and generate solutions that move toward the elimination of domestic violence affecting Latino communities, with an understanding of the sacredness of all relations and communities.

    Mision y Proposito

    Alianza Latina Nacional Para Erradicar la Violencia Domestica forma parte de un movimiento nacional dedicado a atender las necesidades e intereses de las comunidades latinas en torno a la violencia familiar.

    Nuestra mision es la de promover el entendimiento, sostener el dialogo, y generar soluciones a la violencia familiar que afecta a las comunidades latinas, tomando en consideracion lo sagrado en todas las relaciones y comunidades.

    ALIANZA's mission and purpose.

    The National Latino Alliance for the Elimination of Domestic Violence (ALIANZA) is part of a national effort to address the domestic violence needs and concerns of underserved populations. It represents a growing network of Latina and Latino advocates, community activists, practitioners, researchers, and survivors of domestic violence dedicated to creating culturally competent strategies and programs to help eliminate domestic violence in Latino communities.

    The ALIANZA's mission is to promote understanding, sustain dialogue, and generate solutions that move toward the elimination of domestic violence affecting Latino communities, with an understanding of the sacredness of all relations and communities.

    Mision y Proposito

    Alianza Latina Nacional Para Erradicar la Violencia Domestica forma parte de un movimiento nacional dedicado a atender las necesidades e intereses de las comunidades latinas en…

    Temáticas Incluídas


    • P.O. Box 672, New York, NY 10035, United States
      Triborough Station

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