(STARC) believes that people are more alike than different. STARC, a private non-profit association founded in 1972, is committed to providing services and supports that enable people with mental retardation and/or developmental disablilities to reach their potentisl as independent, contributing members of society. Some services and supports include: Early Intervention, Noah's Arc Daycare, Transition Work/Training, Supported Employment, Supported Independent Living, Home and Community Based Waiver, Respite, Voacational and Habilitative, Behavior Management, Sheltered Workshop, Skilled Professionals. STARC is dedicated to providing a lifetime of services.
(STARC) believes that people are more alike than different. STARC, a private non-profit association founded in 1972, is committed to providing services and supports that enable people with mental retardation and/or developmental disablilities to reach their potentisl as independent, contributing members of society. Some services and supports include: Early Intervention, Noah's Arc Daycare, Transition Work/Training, Supported Employment, Supported Independent Living, Home and Community Based Waiver, Respite, Voacational and Habilitative, Behavior Management, Sheltered Workshop, Skilled Professionals. STARC is dedicated to providing a lifetime of services.