Organización Sin Fin de Lucro

Committee for a Just Peace in Israel and Palestine

Oak Park, IL

  • Acerca de

    The Committee for a Just Peace in Israel and Palestine (CJPIP) is a community-based group, in Oak Park, Illinois, dedicated to organizing activities and educational events that advance the cause of peace and justice for both Palestinians and Israelis.

    The Committee for a Just Peace in Israel and Palestine (CJPIP) is a community-based group, in Oak Park, Illinois, dedicated to organizing activities and educational events that advance the cause of peace and justice for both Palestinians and Israelis.

    Temáticas Incluídas


    • 1044 Gunderson Ave, Oak Park, IL 60304, USA

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    Encuentra oportunidades para cambiar el mundo con las últimas oportunidades de empleo, pasantías/prácticas y voluntariado con impacto social. Además, podrás explorar recursos para generar impacto positivo en tu comunidad.