Organización Sin Fin de Lucro

Global Language Project

New York, NY

  • Acerca de

    Global Language Project (GLP) is an educational non-profit that supports world-language learning through best-in-class curricula and innovative teacher development thus enabling students, particularly those in underserved communities, to develop language proficiency for further education and the global workforce. 

    Global Language Project (GLP) is an educational non-profit that supports world-language learning through best-in-class curricula and innovative teacher development thus enabling students, particularly those in underserved communities, to develop language proficiency for further education and the global workforce. 

    Temáticas Incluídas


    • 285 Fulton Street, New York, NY 10007, United States

    Descubre Tu Vocación

    Encuentra oportunidades para cambiar el mundo con las últimas oportunidades de empleo, pasantías/prácticas y voluntariado con impacto social. Además, podrás explorar recursos para generar impacto positivo en tu comunidad.