Since 1984 Clean Water for North Carolina (CWFNC) has worked for clean, safe communities and workplaces with hundreds of communities and thousands of North Carolinians. CWFNC is a private non-profit membership organization serving residents across the state of North Carolina with offices in Durham and Asheville. We have a very active and diverse board and staff, dozens of volunteers and hundreds of members who work hard to make North Carolina a more environmentally justice place..
Our mission is to promote clean, safe water and environments and empowered, just communities for all North Carolinians through community organizing, education, advocacy and technical assistance.
Some of our current campaigns include: Water Justice and Privatization; Polluter Accountability and Safe Energy, Well User Protection
Since 1984 Clean Water for North Carolina (CWFNC) has worked for clean, safe communities and workplaces with hundreds of communities and thousands of North Carolinians. CWFNC is a private non-profit membership organization serving residents across the state of North Carolina with offices in Durham and Asheville. We have a very active and diverse board and staff, dozens of volunteers and hundreds of members who work hard to make North Carolina a more environmentally justice place..
Our mission is to promote clean, safe water and environments and empowered, just communities for all North Carolinians through community organizing, education, advocacy and technical assistance.
Some of our current campaigns include: Water Justice and Privatization; Polluter Accountability and Safe Energy, Well User Protection
Western NC Environmental Justice Organizer-Researcher (remote) | Carolina do Norte, US(A Distancia) | ... |