Our Vision:
To be a first class Christian multi-cultural educational institution in Ghana and around the world stimulating children of all ability levels to Godliness, Excellence, and Higher education.
Our Mission:
To provide quality nursery, primary and secondary education, in a nurturing stimulating environment. Helping children achieve their full potential through the development of their unique academic and creative abilities as well as moral Christian character.
Our Objectives:
A. To Provide Quality Academic Curriculum and Teaching as well as extra-curricular activities.
· British National Curriculum and diversified international content learning, textbooks and materials. English is the language of instruction.
· Extra-curricular activities such as Music, Sports, Arts and Holiday camps and excursions.
· Encouraging parents to participate actively in the educational development of their children.
· Regular Professional development of staff to enhance teaching quality.
B. To Develop Christian Character Development and Values:
· Community service : We over scholorships to bright and needy students as well as have health screenings, help orphans and those in emergency situations like flood victims.
-Christian character development and moral education through Bible study.
· Encouraging kindness, giving, sharing, peace, and love among students.
· Discipline through nurturing a love for learning in children.
· Evangelism through sharing the good news of Christ.
· School Planting.
C. To Promote Understanding of the World and Respect for Cultural Diversity:
· Social Studies about diverse countries, peoples and cultures.
· Providing students with opportunities to share their national cultures and learn about and experience other cultures.
· Encouraging appreciation and respect among students of their diverse cultures and religions.
D. To Provide a Conducive Learning & Interactive Learning Environment:
· Small class size with air-conditioning.
· Fully equipped and stimulating classes and play space.
· Quality teaching materials, supplies and books.
· Computer lab and recreation facilities.
Our Vision:
To be a first class Christian multi-cultural educational institution in Ghana and around the world stimulating children of all ability levels to Godliness, Excellence, and Higher education.
Our Mission:
To provide quality nursery, primary and secondary education, in a nurturing stimulating environment. Helping children achieve their full potential through the development of their unique academic and creative abilities as well as moral Christian character.
Our Objectives:
A. To Provide Quality Academic Curriculum and Teaching as well as extra-curricular activities.
· British National Curriculum and diversified international content learning, textbooks and materials. English is the language of instruction.
· Extra-curricular activities such as Music, Sports, Arts and Holiday camps and excursions.
· Encouraging parents to participate actively in the educational development of their children.
· Regular Professional development of…