Founded in 1986, DARE’s mission is to organize low-income families in communities of color for social, economic, and political justice. We do this through: 1.Base Building – We build a multiracial, multilingual membership from our communities. Members are the strength of the organization, and make decisions on campaigns, strategies, tactics, and organizational leadership. 2.Conducting direct action organizing campaigns to win institutional change for our communities; 3.Doing deliberate leadership development and political education; and 4.Contributing to efforts to build a larger movement for social justice.
Founded in 1986, DARE’s mission is to organize low-income families in communities of color for social, economic, and political justice. We do this through: 1.Base Building – We build a multiracial, multilingual membership from our communities. Members are the strength of the organization, and make decisions on campaigns, strategies, tactics, and organizational leadership. 2.Conducting direct action organizing campaigns to win institutional change for our communities; 3.Doing deliberate leadership development and political education; and 4.Contributing to efforts to build a larger movement for social justice.