Our diocesan community strives to support and grow our priority ministries: youth & young adult formation; strengthening our congregations; multicultural & ethnic ministries; mission beyond ourselves; and evangelism & proclamation. As priests in the Church of God, we are blessing-bearers who proclaim by word and deed the mystery of God's love in the midst of life's ambiguities, reconciling the world to God.
Youth and Young Adult FormationAs the Body of Christ, we are incomplete without all of our parts. All of God's beloved are given gifts for building up of the Kingdom of God, and yet because of the portable and dynamic context of the lives of young adults - marked by change, growth and experimentation of identity - the Church is often left without their presence, gifts, ministry and perspectives. Just as Jesus came to us, we need to go to them, manifesting both God's love for and our need of them. Rather than inviting "twenty-somethings" to Saturday conferences, we need to identify the places where young adults live and move and have their being, go there, meet them and listen to their experiences of God.
Strengthening Existing CongregationsSacramental worship is critical to our Christian identity. The impact of discipleship based in common worship on the day of Jesus' resurrection is greater than the sum of individual members worshipping on their own. It is in such communal worship that we realize our gifts given for the up-building of the Body of Christ.
Evangelism and ProclamationThe goal of evangelism is our well-being and that of the whole world. The wisdom of the commandment to evangelize is that we cannot be whole without sharing our faith; in that sharing, we discover by listening to another the fullness of the Gospel. Evangelism serves the need of those seeking God or a deeper knowledge of Gd.
Multicultural and Ethnic MinistriesThere is great richness in diversity. Through growth and support of multicultural and ethnic ministries, we fulfill the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations. We are called to be Pentecost people, open to the movement of the Holy Spirit. Our participation in Christ's radical hospitality brings about the Kingdom of God.
Mission Beyond Ourselves"Mission" is important to us because it is our Christian identity to love and serve the people of the world. We do this by being Christ's hands and feet, entering into relationship with those in need, and by obeying the Great Commission he gave us: "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation." When we enter into this relationship, we receive more than we give.
Our diocesan community strives to support and grow our priority ministries: youth & young adult formation; strengthening our congregations; multicultural & ethnic ministries; mission beyond ourselves; and evangelism & proclamation. As priests in the Church of God, we are blessing-bearers who proclaim by word and deed the mystery of God's love in the midst of life's ambiguities, reconciling the world to God.
Youth and Young Adult FormationAs the Body of Christ, we are incomplete without all of our parts. All of God's beloved are given gifts for building up of the Kingdom of God, and yet because of the portable and dynamic context of the lives of young adults - marked by change, growth and experimentation of identity - the Church is often left without their presence, gifts, ministry and perspectives. Just as Jesus came to us, we need to go to them, manifesting both God's love for and our need of them. Rather than inviting "twenty-somethings" to…
Executive Assistant to the Bishops | Richmond, VA | Publicado hace 11 días |
Canon for Discipleship | Richmond, VA | Publicado hace 13 días |