Organización Sin Fin de Lucro

The HJW Foundation

washington, DC

  • Acerca de

    The HJW Foundation works with non-governmental organizations, government agencies, and other charitable foundations to improve the lives of all Americans by increasing the availability of quality, affordable health care; reducing poverty that limits human opportunity; and ensuring that immigrants are treated with dignity. The Foundation achieves its mission through direct services to meet immediate needs, policy change to create broad solutions, and the development of progressive ideas, institutions and decisionmakers.

    The HJW Foundation works with non-governmental organizations, government agencies, and other charitable foundations to improve the lives of all Americans by increasing the availability of quality, affordable health care; reducing poverty that limits human opportunity; and ensuring that immigrants are treated with dignity. The Foundation achieves its mission through direct services to meet immediate needs, policy change to create broad solutions, and the development of progressive ideas, institutions and decisionmakers.


    • washington, DC None, United States

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