Global Tolerance Organization (GTO) is an international organization, non-governmental, non-political, non-religious, non-discrimination and for the respect of human rights, in the dignity and the sharing of worth of all persons and in the equal rights of men and women who are determined to promote economic, social and cultural progress for the better standards of life with the overall foundation of tolerance, freedom, justice and peace.
Tolerance is an attitude that we strongly believe if every one of us exhibits in our daily activities will go a long way to bring immense advantages to the human race. We want people all over the world to adopt tolerance as a personal ethic. And for us at GTO, we hope to reveal the various tenets that are hidden in the idea of being tolerant. Being tolerant helps us to be open minded and accommodating to divergent views, helps us to analyze things from objective angle, help us to collaborate and appreciate the value of having a peaceful and sustainable mother Earth.
Global Tolerance Organization (GTO) is an international organization, non-governmental, non-political, non-religious, non-discrimination and for the respect of human rights, in the dignity and the sharing of worth of all persons and in the equal rights of men and women who are determined to promote economic, social and cultural progress for the better standards of life with the overall foundation of tolerance, freedom, justice and peace.
Tolerance is an attitude that we strongly believe if every one of us exhibits in our daily activities will go a long way to bring immense advantages to the human race. We want people all over the world to adopt tolerance as a personal ethic. And for us at GTO, we hope to reveal the various tenets that are hidden in the idea of…