Organización Sin Fin de Lucro

Strategic Partnerships Manager

A Distancia, El trabajo debe realizarse en Massachusetts, US

  • Descripción

    Tipo de contrato:A Tiempo Completo
    Fecha de inicio:6 de enero de 2025
    Nivel de Experiencia:Nivel intermedio
    Salario:USD $53.000 - $57.000 / año


    The Strategic Partnerships Manager plans and executes all grant-funded OutstandingLife (OsL) activities directed at Councils on Aging (CoAs), Aging Service Access Points (ASAPs), local advocates, service providers, community groups, and LGBTQ+ elders and caregivers in MA Gateway Cities (e.g., Brockton, New Bedford, Worcester, Springfield, Pittsfield, Lawrence, and Lynn) and Cape Cod. These activities will include: (1) outreach to local CoAs, ASAPs, LGBTQ+ groups and other relevant advocates and service providers; (2) assistance with developing of culturally-appropriate and relevant programming for COAs, ASAPS and others to present to local LGBTQ+ elders, in person and/or on OsL’s virtual platform; (3) scheduling of partner programming for OsL hosting; (4) marketing and outreach for CoA, ASAP and other partner programming to LGBTQ+ elders and community groups; (5) recruiting and supervising LGBTQ+/ ally peer leaders in each priority area; and (6) facilitating on-going connections between CoAs, ASAPs, LGBTQ+ elders and caregivers and OsL. 

    The Strategic Partnerships Manager plans and executes all grant-funded OutstandingLife (OsL) activities directed at Councils on Aging (CoAs), Aging Service Access Points (ASAPs), local advocates, service providers, community groups, and LGBTQ+ elders and caregivers in MA Gateway Cities (e.g., Brockton, New Bedford, Worcester, Springfield, Pittsfield, Lawrence, and Lynn) and Cape Cod. These activities will include: (1) outreach to local CoAs, ASAPs, LGBTQ+ groups and other relevant advocates and service providers; (2) assistance with developing of culturally-appropriate and relevant programming for COAs, ASAPS and others to present to local LGBTQ+ elders, in person and/or on OsL’s virtual platform; (3) scheduling of partner programming for OsL hosting; (4) marketing and outreach for CoA, ASAP and other partner programming to LGBTQ+ elders and community groups; (5) recruiting and supervising LGBTQ+/ ally peer leaders in each priority area; and (6) facilitating on-going…

    Nivel de Idiomas

    Excellent writing and computer/ internet skills.Bilingual in at least one relevant language (i.e., Spanish, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Khmer, Creole). 

    Excellent writing and computer/ internet skills.Bilingual in at least one relevant language (i.e., Spanish, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Khmer, Creole). 


    A Distancia
    El trabajo se debe realizar en Massachusetts, US
    Ubicación Asociada
    22 Moraine St, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130, USA

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