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Trama Tecno Ambiental (TTA)

Barcelona, CT, España

  • Acerca de

    Trama TecnoAmbiental (TTA), with headquarters in Barcelona (Spain), is an international

    engineering and consulting firm in business since 1986 in the field of renewable energies

    and specialized in distributed generation and energy access for development. TTA’s

    multidisciplinary team has comprehensive experience at both technical and management

    levels and has been exposed to many international projects all over the world.

    With its more than 30 years of experience, TTA offers a full range of cross-cutting

    engineering & consulting services for all kinds of renewable energy and energy access

    projects, such as:

     Consultancy in energy access and renewable energy projects (off-grid and on-grid).

    Project identification and evaluation; Technical and Economic feasibility studies;

    Assessment of renewable energy sources, Engineering studies; Social and

    environmental impact assessments; Owners Engineering services; Preparation of

    technical specifications and bidding documents; Support during procurement;

    Construction supervision; Monitoring services; Operation and Management services;

    Project promotion and dissemination.

     Engineering Procurement & Construction (EPC) of micro-grids. Design, supply,

    installation and commissioning of micro-grid projects.

     Energy efficiency and green buildings. Evaluation, design and monitoring of energy

    efficiency projects; Energy auditing; Integration of renewable energies into buildings

    and green building practices.

     Institutional, Policy and Regulatory Support. Design of rural electrification policies,

    programmes, strategies and action plans; Policy development and planning;

    Development of business models and tariff schemes; Market potential assessments.

     Capacity Building. Capacity building and specialized trainings.

     R&D. Publication of articles, documents, guidelines, case studies, and presentations at

    international conferences.

    TTA is a pioneer firm in renewable energy-based generation and solar PV Hybrid mini-

    grids. At the forefront, TTA was the driving force for the implementation of the first micro-

    grid projects in Spain in the early 1990s, and later on applying its expertise in Latin America,

    Africa and the Mediterranean. TTA has implemented mini-grids as EPC contractor in Ghana,

    Chad, Cape Verde, Ecuador, Palestine, Morocco, etc. some of which have been operated and

    maintained by TTA. Having collaborated in various tasks of the International Energy Agency

    (IEA), TTA was awarded with the EUREC Technology Prize 2001 “for developing excellent

    system technology for rural electrification based on renewable energy sources, combined

    with an innovative, user-oriented approach for its implementation”. Furthermore, in

    September 2015, TTA was awarded with the Prize “Off-Grid Experts Awards” by the

    company Phaesun together with ARE (Alliance of Rural Electrification), for excellence in the

    performance in the field of Off-Grid power supply, in the Category A “product” for TTA’s

    “Electricity Dispenser”, an advanced meter for mini-grids.

    In terms of publications, TTA has been the main contributor of the IRENA’s Innovation

    Outlook: Renewable Mini-grids (2016) and is author of the World Bank’s ESMAP

    Benchmarking study of Solar PV mini grids investment costs (2017 & 2018). TTA’s first hand

    field experience in the Operations and Maintenance of Mini-grids has been used by IRENA’s

    Policy Toolkit. These are just some of the latest references in which TTA has participated.

    Another significant milestone in the sector is TTA’s lead organization of the International

    Conference on Solar Technologies & Hybrid Mini Grids to improve energy access, a relevant

    sector event conducted on October 2018 in Mallorca (Spain) and which was supported by

    renowned organizations such as the ESMAP, World Bank, EnDev, the GIZ or SNV.

    TTA’s track record in the field of Renewable Energy and Rural Electrification is demonstrated

    by the extensive list of projects carried out around the globe for project developers,

    contractors, power utilities, governments as well as all major International Organizations

    such as the World Bank, IFC, UNDP, UNOPS, UNIDO, UNICEF, GEF, UNESCO, IDB, OAS,

    European Commission, AECID, GIZ, KfW, and other cooperation and development agencies,

    NGOs, local communities and individuals.

    TTA is also a member of and collaborates with the following organizations and Groups. TTA

    is a founding member of the Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE).

    Trama TecnoAmbiental (TTA), with headquarters in Barcelona (Spain), is an international

    engineering and consulting firm in business since 1986 in the field of renewable energies

    and specialized in distributed generation and energy access for development. TTA’s

    multidisciplinary team has comprehensive experience at both technical and management

    levels and has been exposed to many international projects all over the world.

    With its more than 30 years of experience, TTA offers a full range of cross-cutting

    engineering & consulting services for all kinds of renewable energy and energy access

    projects, such as:

     Consultancy in energy access and renewable energy projects (off-grid and on-grid).

    Project identification and evaluation; Technical and Economic feasibility studies;

    Assessment of renewable energy sources, Engineering studies; Social and

    environmental impact assessments; Owners Engineering services; Preparation of


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