Interested in doing something about Climate Change? We are! We're the ClimateStore and we believe Climate Change is the most pressing issue of our time.
We're a for-profit start-up with an environmental Mission: to provide high quality products to people interested in mitigating human caused climate change through personal action. We get the link between fossil fuel energy use, GHG emissions, Climate Change and the urgent need to move to a clean, energy efficient, economy. We believe this is our stewardship moment.
Our mission is to make it fun and easy for people to reduce their carbon footprint. At the ClimateStore you can learn about the causes of Climate Change, keep informed about its impact, and find great ideas and products to reduce your energy use from fossil fuels.
We're looking for talented people who share our passion for the natural world, think broadly about sustainable living and believe there is still time to act.
Interested in doing something about Climate Change? We are! We're the ClimateStore and we believe Climate Change is the most pressing issue of our time.
We're a for-profit start-up with an environmental Mission: to provide high quality products to people interested in mitigating human caused climate change through personal action. We get the link between fossil fuel energy use, GHG emissions, Climate Change and the urgent need to move to a clean, energy efficient, economy. We believe this is our stewardship moment.
Our mission is to make it fun and easy for people to reduce their carbon footprint. At the ClimateStore you can learn about the causes of Climate Change, keep informed about its impact, and find great ideas and products to reduce your energy use from fossil fuels.
We're looking for talented people who share our passion for the natural world, think broadly about sustainable living and believe there is still time to act.