Executive search firm that conducts searches for foundations, associations, and other nonprofit organizations, primarily in the Washington, DC, area.
For a list of active searches, go to http://www.SlesingerManagement.com.
At the website, you can subscribe to receive emails announcing new searches.
Larry Slesinger is the author of the book Search: Winning Strategies to Get Your Next Job in the Nonprofit World. This book, which has been praised by many nonprofit leaders, is available at Amazon in both print and digital formats.
Executive search firm that conducts searches for foundations, associations, and other nonprofit organizations, primarily in the Washington, DC, area.
For a list of active searches, go to http://www.SlesingerManagement.com.
At the website, you can subscribe to receive emails announcing new searches.
Larry Slesinger is the author of the book Search: Winning Strategies to Get Your Next Job in the Nonprofit World. This book, which has been praised by many nonprofit leaders, is available at Amazon in both print and digital formats.