The mission of the Green Mountain Conservancy is to acquire, conserve, and advocate for the protection of forest lands in southern Vermont:
The mission of the Green Mountain Conservancy is to acquire, conserve, and advocate for the protection of forest lands in southern Vermont:
History and Achievements
The Green Mountain Conservancy is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that was founded in 2008 and reorganized in 2018 under the leadership of Ed Anthes, Sam Farwell, Mary Ellen Copeland, and Michael Pletcher to conserve the highest priority forest block in Dummerston, Brookline, and Newfane, called the Deer Run Nature Preserve. To date, achievements include:
History and Achievements
The Green Mountain Conservancy is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that was founded in 2008 and reorganized in 2018 under the leadership of Ed Anthes, Sam Farwell, Mary Ellen Copeland, and Michael Pletcher to conserve the highest priority forest block in Dummerston, Brookline, and Newfane, called the Deer Run Nature Preserve. To date, achievements include: