Positive Option Family Service is a non-profit, licensed foster care agency. We provide services to children, from birth to 19 years old, regardless of age, race, or disability. We believe that all children have the right to a loving, caring, and stable family life. It is our duty to uphold these rights as we help our foster children cope with the loss of their biological families. We train our foster parents to care for foster children with emotional and physical needs and disabilities, providing them with tools for coping with the many challenges that our children present. Our goal is to help our children and the families caring for them to live together in a cohesive family unit until they can reunite with their families, or start their own lives with skills that will help them to thrive for a lifetime. On a community level, Positive Option Family Service promotes awareness of permanency needs of children as well as working to strengthen the child welfare system through specialized support services and liaison work.
Our commitment to this dual system of care allows us to better ensure that our children can grow up to succeed and live productive lives, as well as contributing to the community.