RDLN supports community-based development in poor rural areas through hands-on projects, education, leadership development and networking. RDLN is a mulitculural network of practitioners and resource people working for social justice.
Participants implement field projects in their own communities, pursue related independent study and participate in RDLN's Rural Development Institute at the University of California. They may work toward non-campus-based academic degrees.
RDLN convenes community builders in a farmers exchange, National Network Assemblies, and special projects, such as webinars and writing retreats for community builders.
RDLN supports community-based development in poor rural areas through hands-on projects, education, leadership development and networking. RDLN is a mulitculural network of practitioners and resource people working for social justice.
Participants implement field projects in their own communities, pursue related independent study and participate in RDLN's Rural Development Institute at the University of California. They may work toward non-campus-based academic degrees.
RDLN convenes community builders in a farmers exchange, National Network Assemblies, and special projects, such as webinars and writing retreats for community builders.