East Bay Housing Organizations (EBHO) is a member-driven organization working to create, preserve and protect affordable housing opportunities for low-income communities in the East Bay by advocating, organizing, educating and building coalitions. . EBHO's membership, made up of over 500 organizations and individuals, includes non-profit housing developers; development consultants; affordable housing and homeless advocates; architects; fair housing and tenants rights agencies; affordable housing residents; community and neighborhood organizations; clergy, congregations, and inter-faith groups; homeless and social service providers; municipal housing agencies and staff ; financial institutions; and elected officials.
Our work is accomplished in three ways:
EDUCATING elected officials, planning commissions, civic organizations, neighborhood associations, faith-based groups, the business community and the general public about the affordable housing crisis and its solutions;
ORGANIZING advocacy campaigns to promote policies and programs that create affordable housing opportunities and prevent displacement;
BUILDING coalitions and interfaith partnerships to work together, take action, and build strong networks that include grassroots community groups and non- profit affordable housing development corporations.
East Bay Housing Organizations (EBHO) is a member-driven organization working to create, preserve and protect affordable housing opportunities for low-income communities in the East Bay by advocating, organizing, educating and building coalitions. . EBHO's membership, made up of over 500 organizations and individuals, includes non-profit housing developers; development consultants; affordable housing and homeless advocates; architects; fair housing and tenants rights agencies; affordable housing residents; community and neighborhood organizations; clergy, congregations, and inter-faith groups; homeless and social service providers; municipal housing agencies and staff ; financial institutions; and elected officials.
Our work is accomplished in three ways:
EDUCATING elected officials, planning commissions, civic organizations, neighborhood associations, faith-based groups, the business community and the general public about the…