
InterVIA Slezská diakonie

Český Těšín, Moravskoslezský kraj, República Checa

  • About Us

    InterVIA is the umbrella name for various programmes of long term and short-term voluntary service in social fields in the diaconal and educational institutions run by Slezská Diakonie. 

    InterVIA offers a learning journey through volunteering with people who are marginalised for different reasons. It also expresses our understanding that voluntary service symbolises ‘working with a heart for people’.

    InterVIA puts informal peer and group learning and reflective practice at the heart of its approach to work with volunteers, supervisors, mentors and service users. 

    InterVIA changes the lives of people and makes an impact on the neighbourhood and wider society.  

    InterVIA is a programme of Slezská Diakonie and is a member of the international network EDYN which is engaged in advocacy and lobbying, and which is a member organisation of NEVSO

    InterVIA programmes are financially supported by the European Union programme ‘European Solidarity Corps’ and by national voluntary service programmes as well as by the resources of its own & of partner organisations.

    Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and our webpage, or ask us directly through e-mail.

    InterVIA is the umbrella name for various programmes of long term and short-term voluntary service in social fields in the diaconal and educational institutions run by Slezská Diakonie. 

    InterVIA offers a learning journey through volunteering with people who are marginalised for different reasons. It also expresses our understanding that voluntary service symbolises ‘working with a heart for people’.

    InterVIA puts informal peer and group learning and reflective practice at the heart of its approach to work with volunteers, supervisors, mentors and service users. 

    InterVIA changes the lives of people and makes an impact on the neighbourhood and wider society.  

    InterVIA is a programme of Slezská Diakonie and is a member of the international network EDYN which is engaged in advocacy and lobbying, and which is a member organisation of NEVSO

    InterVIA programmes are financially supported by the European Union programme ‘European Solidarity Corps…

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