The mission of the Hoffberger Family Philanthropies (HFP) is to respond with available resources to unmet needs in the greater Baltimore community with a significant commitment to the Jewish community. HFP encompasses two charitable organizations: The Hoffberger Foundation is a family foundation focused on the strategic priority areas of workforce development and economic mobility as well as children's mental health and trauma. The Hoffberger Family Fund is a supporting organization of The Associated and administered by its Center for Funds and Foundations.
The mission of the Hoffberger Family Philanthropies (HFP) is to respond with available resources to unmet needs in the greater Baltimore community with a significant commitment to the Jewish community. HFP encompasses two charitable organizations: The Hoffberger Foundation is a family foundation focused on the strategic priority areas of workforce development and economic mobility as well as children's mental health and trauma. The Hoffberger Family Fund is a supporting organization of The Associated and administered by its Center for Funds and Foundations.