

Aurangabad, India

  • About Us


    Name of the civil society PARYAY Year of Establishment: 1994

    Geographically Focus area Marathwada Region - a Part of Maharashtra state of India

    Field office Address

    Administration Office PARYAY Plot No. C-1 & 2, Nileshwar Co.op Housing Society, Back to Fame Tapadia, Town Center, CIDCO, Aurangabad – 431 003

    Telephone & Fax 0240-2481450

    Email addresses,

    Contact Person Vishwanath Todkar, Secretary, PARYAY +91-9881731094 Mail –

    Registration Societies Registration Act – 1860, No. Mah/331/94 and Bombay Public Trust Act – 1950 No. F-3036 (Aurangabad) Maharashtra. INDIA

    For Local (Within India) Bank A/C Soc A/C No: 56/1 Solapur Janta Sahakari Bank, Branch: Kallam, Dist: Osmanabad

    FCRA FCRA No.083910047

    FCRA BANK A/C No, A/c. No. 39/27973,Core Banking A/c No. 11289438238

    FCRA BANK Address State Bank of India, Branch Osmanabad, Dist Osmanabad, Maharashtra. Pin. 413 501. INDIA

    Organizational Information:

    “PARYAY” - a Marathi word conveys meaning alternative strategies. It also implies choice - Right of Choosing, Power of Choosing and Freedom of Choosing. Paryay has tremendously struggled and contributed and still doing towards legal rights of the poor, Dalits, children, women and underprivileged to resolve the injustices with them through democratic way. Since its inception, Paryay is engaged in search of new strengths, ways and thoughts which will destroy the discrepancies prevailing at all levels in the society.

    In 1982, activists of Paryay were involved in development processes, especially, in slum areas of Pune city under the name of Janiv Group. Till 1985, the major work was among slum children for their educational improvement. Along with it, awareness programmes were conducted to raise the consciousness about pathetic situation of life. During the work it was observed that most of the slum dwellers are from Marathwada region of Maharashtra who seasonally migrates for employment and most of them were from Dalit communities.

    The experiential learning turned activists to concentrate at the roots of the problem as well as Marathwada region. In 1986, activists collectively took the decision and initiated work in Osmanabad the most backward districts of Marathwada region for the benefit of the families falling under the categories of landless, deprived, marginal farmers and the farm based labourers. Marathwada region is marked by poor educational standard, high migration rate, child marriage, child labour and bonded labour, unhygienic living conditions, non-availability of health care facilities. Another major feature is caste ridden society, where Dalit atrocities are rampant.

    During the period of 1986 to 1993 the people in the area were enlightened about Right to Employment approach through Employment Guarantee Scheme (EGS) trainings, open group discussions and campaign with financial assistance from ‘Vanchit Vikas’ organization. This helped communities to realize their strengths which impeded corruptions and the malpractices. It resulted into employment generation at local level at one hand and curtailed rate of seasonal migration at another hand. Then the operational area was expanded to neighbouring Latur and Beed districts.

    In the year 1993, Osmanabad and Latur districts were devastated in earthquake. Besides life loss natural resources were also affected considerably. Paryay significantly contributed in terms of rescue, relief and rehabilitation.

    Later, in October 1994 the organization got registered as ‘Paryay’ under applicable laws.

    In 1996, about 350 likeminded organizations working on issues related to development and social inequalities jointly established a forum called ‘Lok Vikas Manch’ to address the issues collectively. The Paryay has always taken lead to strengthen the forum / network of the organizations.

    Location of the Operational Area:

    At present the operational area of the organization is eight districts of Marathwada region of Maharashtra. These are Osmanabad, Latur, Beed, Jalna, Parbhani, Hingoli, Nanded, and Aurangabad districts.


    The just and equitable society in which poorest of the poor have the development opportunities leading to their socio-economic, educational development and address their livelihood rights for improved quality of life.


    Holistic development of the rural poorest through capacity building, information dissemination, natural resource management, research, networking, policy advocacy and local resource based livelihood promotion.


    Paryay believes and follows JET AID i.e.

    J : Justice

    E : Equality

    T : Transparency

    A : Accountability

    I : Integrity

    D : Democracy

    Organizational Structure:

    Organizational Infrastructure:

    Well Equipped Training Center : 02

    Offices : 03 Two Wheelers : 05 Phone : 02 Computers : 06 Four Wheeler : 01

    Primary Area of focus:

    Target Group addressed

     Land less Dalit communities,  Marginalized farmers and labours,  De-notified Tribes  Dalit and marginalized Women, Children and People from Backward classes are specifically concentrated under the programmes of the organization.  Child Labors from deprived sections of the society.

    Past Projects (Since 1995 till 2010):

    • Drought relief Programme • Village development Programme in earthquake affected area • Women SHG programme for rural women • Watershed Development Programme village Partapur • Watershed Development Programme • Kishori Vikas Programme (Adolescent Girls' Development) • Adolescent Girls' & Women Empowerment • Educational Programme for the working children • Capacity building Programme for deprived sections • Socio economic and educational development Programme • Women’s development Programme (Village Governance) • SHG empowerment Programme • Research & documentation and legalization of grazing lands • Empowerment of Women and Marginalized Communities to secure Rights and Livelihood Opportunities • Educational Programme for the working children in Aurangabad city (Maharashtra state) • Jalswaraj Project (Drinking water and sanitation)

    Current Projects:

    • Land Rights: Facilitating secured access of women & Dalit communities in Marathwada region of Maharashtra to land & other productive resources for their livelihood opportunities. The main stakeholders are Dalit, landless labourers, marginal land holders, women, pasture land holders and members of SHGs. Operational area of the project is 90 villages of Aurangabad and Osmanabad districts. • Rural Leadership Development Programme: Initiating Participatory Community Development Processes in Sautada. The main stakeholders are all villagers of 11 villages from Patoda and Ashti block of Beed district. • Organic Farming: To spread awareness about sustainable agricultural technology among Pasture Landholders to improve their means of livelihood. The main stakeholders are pasture land holders of 24 villages of Osmanabad district. • National Child Labour Rehabilitation Project: To stop the child labour tradition and make a way for education for child labourers. The main stakeholders are school drop outs and child labourers of Aurangabad city area. • Manthan – Organizational Development through enhancing the capacities of Paryay activists in administration, management and resource mobilization. The project was conducted by Chaitanya, Rajgurunagar with 12 partner organizations where Paryay was one of the partners. • Savitribai Phule Mutual Benefit Trust: Paryay has established a community based Micro Finance Institute. Around 500 SHGs are closely evolved in this federation. Mainly women are handling all process and programmes of this federation. Recently Micro-Finance Institute has successfully made Rs. 1 corers turnover.


    Though Paryay is well rooted in Osmanabad district, it has broad based its activities in other parts of Marathwada. In Osmanabad the organization is working for the most deprived classes like Dalits, Adivasis, children and women through various projects based on the following issues, 1. Strengthening movement through Right to Livelihood to create opportunities for landless Dalits. 2. Empowerment and capacity building of women and strengthening their organizations through SHGs approach / Federation as a micro-finance institution. 3. Promoting Dalit governance and participation of Dalit women in Panchayat Raj institutions as well as building the capacities of Gram Sabhas. 4. Endorsing Child Rights by working on child labour issue and creating educational opportunities for them. 5. Promotion of people’s movement through ‘Lok Vikas Manch’ activities on employment, education, rationing and health issues with right based approach. 6. Liaisons between people and the government on the developmental issues.

    Besides this, since year 2000 Paryay is also working as a major partner with Intermon Oxfam to implement and execute the activities under ‘Jamin Adhikar Andolan’ (Land Rights) in the interest of landless Dalits in Osmanabad and Aurangabad districts of Marathwada region.

    Implementation Strategy and Approach

    • Conducting village level meetings, Gramsabhas, Ward meetings, focus group discussions, training programmes, workshops, seminars • Organizing get together, poster exhibitions, people’s hearings, interaction sessions on different issues and subjects in the area of operation. • Supporting landless, marginalized, Dalits, children women and youth to organize democratic agitations, strikes, long march etc. against injustices, oppressions to lead dignified life. • Establishing network, alliance and partnership with local NGOs and CBOs in the form of Lok Vikas Manch, SHGs and federation of SHG for lobbying and advocacy with government and other agencies so that the opportunities are explored for people’s development. • Liaison with government and other agencies. • Educational programmes for child labours, dropouts. • Conducting trainings, demonstrations on new technologies i.e. organic farming, dairy, horticulture, animal husbandry etc. for the benefit of the farmers.

    Technical and Financial Management:

    It will be highly ensured to note, collect, compile, analyze and record all the executions performed during the project implementation processes. The records compiled will be stored and preserved in the computer systems as well as in the special box files at the office level.

    Monthly meetings of the project staff is held regularly which helps to review the activities and note the project progress. All the concerned staff submits monthly progress reports to the project authorities. Based on the monthly progress reports the documentation officer in association with Project Director and Executives prepares and compiles the ‘Quarterly Progress Report’ duly incorporating financial as well as activity details.

    Network on the Issues of:

    • Drought • Employment Guarantee Scheme (EGS) • Land Rights • Dalit Governance

    Network / Collaborating Partners:

    • Jamin Adhikar Andolan, • Marathwada Drought Forum and • Osmanabad Drought Forum

    Reach Out - Direct:

    Number of villages Districts Blocks Total CSO Groups

    187 2 7 324

    Reach Out – through Network:

    Network Partners Total Number of villages Blocks Districts

    235 3525 50 8

    Areas of Expertise:

    Technical Support Capacity building on child education and livelihood commodities Advocacy network Community mobilization & micro finance management Education and awareness Monitoring and Evaluation

    Research & networking Documentation. Constitution and strengthening of the organizations


    • Bal Panchayat (Child Rights Forum) - Paryay has developed and implemented a unique module of Child Rights Forum. This successful module is used by Government Training Institute as a training module for Government Machinery. It is widely accepted at international level by the organization working on child rights issues. • Land Rights - Paryay is successfully working in 300 villages and submitted legal documents to Government for land acquisition. The process is well recognized by the Government and it will soon benefit 6229 Families. • Micro Finance - Paryay has established a community based Micro Finance Institute. Around 500 SHGs are closely evolved in this federation. Mainly women are handling all process and programmes of this federation. Recently Micro-Finance Institute has successfully made Rs. 1 corers turnover. • Organic Farming: In 20 villages, people have developed best practices and it is replicated by other farmers. • Child Labour Rehabilitation Project: Through 5 centers, 200 children got enrolled in education and now continued their school education.


    • Dalit Women empowerment - Paryay has effectively worked on Panchayat Raj Institute issue and Village Governance. After the intervention a visible effect is observed in 70 villages where Dalit women are now taking lead in Village Governance. • Land Rights: In total 4468 Grazing land holders of six blocks of Osmanabad now owns 6450.4 Ha. Land and fulfilling their basic needs, where as life of 1435 families of 6 blocks of Aurangabad districts have totally transformed after occupying 1945.84 Ha land. Their seasonal migration is totally reduced down and their children are now in schools. • Women have started taking leadership role in family as well as social sphere. Their credibility is increased due participation in financial decision making and village development process. • Due to organic farming experiment, quality of soil is increased as well as production is also showing increasing trend. It has saved their money which used to be utilizing for chemical fertilizers and quality of life has improved.

    Future Planning:

    The organization is planning to strengthen the activities and consolidate its efforts towards the following ongoing and new issues in future.

    A. Panchayat Raj - • Increasing participation of deprived landless Dalits and women in the governance and the decision making processes. • Creating conducive environment at village level for self governance and strengthening P.R.I. procedures. • Annihilation of caste, creed based discrimination and creating society based on dignity and equality.

    B. Empowerment of landless Dalits for their rights and livelihood resources - • Entitlement of lands and other resources on the name of women and landless Dalits. • Establishing ownerships of marginalized community over natural resources. • Increasing securities for livelihood based on local resources, technology transfer and mobilizing government schemes • Building capacities of the community for optimum utilization of natural resources and managing livelihood initiatives C. Child Rights - • Bal-Panchayats for Child Rights. • Improvement of educational standards of children through qualitative education • Preventive measures against child violence, abuse, exploitation, harassments and injustices • Alleviation of child labour tradition • Involvement and participation of children in the processes of child development

    D. Women Empowerment – Rights, Gender equalities and Development - • Empowerment and financial sustainability of women SHGs and its federation. • Participation of women in PRI • Participation of women in the decision making at the level of family and community as a whole. • Rights of women over house, land, resources and freedom for its usage and enjoyment • Social prestige, respect, dignities and securities for the women • Gender equalities and the honor towards education, economy and society as a whole • Organizing, educating and empowering domestic women workers.

    E. Livelihood Promotion School (LPS) - After rich working experiences with different target groups in the field, the organization has reached at the conclusion that there is a desperate need to opt and apply innovative ideas and strategies for the socio-economic development of most backward Dalit, women, landless and marginalized sections of the society.

    Hence, it is in the process to initiate concrete actions towards economical stability by providing assured employment options and opportunities for these people along with social security and dignity.

    The proposed LPS will disseminate the appropriate information and impart essential knowledge, skills and technologies on potential avenues that will encourage them to undertake income generation activities as an additional or even permanent income source. The LPS will be formulated under KIT (K- Knowledge, I – Information and T- Technologies) strategies to be adopted at the organizational level.

    K – Knowledge – Improving and updating knowledge of the people regarding agriculture, employment, social justice, legal issues, health, education etc.

    I – Information – Creating awareness and educating community in terms of the government, administration, its functioning, limitations, government schemes which have welfare and developmental meaning like PDS, Right to Information, Employment Guarantee Scheme etc.

    T – Technologies – Promotion of new technologies and innovations so as to be adopted by the people as an entrepreneurships, occupations as well as imparting skills and techniques to execute the functioning at SHG and federation level.

    Details of the Board of Trustees

    Sr. No. Name Address Education Designation Role 1 Mss. Seemantini Khot 7-B, Prabhashali Apts., 7/12, Erandwana, Pune – 411 004 MSW Member Staff Training & motivation , Documentation Preparation Support 2 Mr. Subhash Tagare N – 9, S-169/2, CIDCO, Aurangabad MSW President Staff Knowledge Empowerment, Support to Program in Aurangabad Area 3 Mr. Pramod Zinzade At. & Post Potre, Tal. Karmala Dist. Solapur BA Member Staff Motivation, Organizational Information Support, Project Visit Support 4 Mr. Ramdas Waje At. Putane Post adhale, Mawal, Dist. Pune MA Treasurer Financial Training, 5 Mr. Vishwanath Todkar At & Post Kallam, Tal. Kallam, Dist. Osmanabad MA Secretary (Chief functionary) Monitoring, Fund raising, Co-ordination, Overall Management, Support to All Administration Work Supervision, Liaison with government, Networking , Resource Mobilization etc. 6 Mr. Satish Badve

    Trimurthi, Laxmi Path, Sakri, Dist. Dhule MA Ph. D Member Staff Motivation Support, Skill Building of Report Preparation.

    Acknowledgement of financial support

    Sr.No. Funding Partner Project Title Project Period Total Funding (INR) 1 Oxfam India Drought relief programme 1995 to1998 1602374 2 Maharashtra State Government Donation Village development programme in earthquake affected area 1995 to1998 1045844 3 MAVIM Women SHG programme for rural women 1996 to 1998 285120 4 Chrichan Aid through AFARM Water shed Development Programme village Partapur 1996 to 2001 2500366 5 Indo- German Watershed Development Programme (IGWDP) Watershed Development Programme 1996 to 1998 409877 6 AFARM, Pune Kishori vikas programme (Adolescent Girls' Development) 1997 to 1998 125280 7 CORD-AID Adolescent Girls' & women empowerment 1999 to 2003 6449787 8 Save the Children, Canada Educational programme for the working children 1999 to 2006 4729304 9 Kerl Kubel Capacity building programme for deprived sections 1999 to 2000 499788 10 Child Relief & You (CRY) Socio economic and educational development programme 2001 to 2002 298982 11 Oxfam Australia Womens development programme (village goverance) 2002 to 2003 173700 12 NABARD SHG empowerment programme 2004 to 2005 135667 13 Intermon Oxfam Research & documentation and legalization of grazing lands 2004 to Mar 2008 13932254 14 DFID;s PACS ‘Empowerment of Women and Marginalized Communities to secure Rights and Livelihood Opportunities 2004 to Mar 2008 10876619 15 Indus ILO project Educational programme for the working children in Aurangabad city (Maharashtra state) 2005 to 2008 2398270 16 Maharashtra state Govt. Jalswaraj Project (Drinking water and sanitation) 2006 to 2008 664714 17 Intermon Oxfam Facilitating secured access of women and Dalit communities in Marathwada Region of Maharashtra to land and other productive resources for their livelihood opportunities Feb 2007 to Sept 2008 5394516 18 Intermon Oxfam Facilitating secured access of women and Dalit communities in Marathwada Region of Maharashtra to land and other productive resources for their livelihood opportunities Dec – 2008 To June 2010 ------------ 19 Tata Dorabji Trust Organic Farming


    Name of the civil society PARYAY Year of Establishment: 1994

    Geographically Focus area Marathwada Region - a Part of Maharashtra state of India

    Field office Address

    Administration Office PARYAY Plot No. C-1 & 2, Nileshwar Co.op Housing Society, Back to Fame Tapadia, Town Center, CIDCO, Aurangabad – 431 003

    Telephone & Fax 0240-2481450

    Email addresses,

    Contact Person Vishwanath Todkar, Secretary, PARYAY +91-9881731094 Mail –

    Registration Societies Registration Act – 1860, No. Mah/331/94 and Bombay Public Trust Act – 1950 No. F-3036 (Aurangabad) Maharashtra. INDIA

    For Local (Within India) Bank A/C Soc A/C No: 56/1 Solapur Janta Sahakari Bank, Branch: Kallam, Dist: Osmanabad

    FCRA FCRA No.083910047

    FCRA BANK A/C No, A/c. No. 39/27973,Core Banking A/c No. 11289438238

    FCRA BANK Address State Bank of India, Branch Osmanabad, Dist Osmanabad, Maharashtra. Pin. 413 501. INDIA…

    Issue Areas Include


    • N1 CIDCO Town center , Aurangabad, None 431 003, India
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