OpenDoors is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization whose mission is to strengthen communities by supporting the formerly incarcerated. The organization's goals are to:
Successfully reintegrate formerly incarcerated individuals by preparing them pre-release and supporting them during the post release period and beyond; Reduce recidivism by streamlining opportunities for ex-offenders to become integral members of the community and society, nurturing personal responsibility, and advocating for the removal of social and legal barriers to re-entry; Stabilize families of ex-offenders by providing services that build on individual and family strengths and needs; and Reinvest in communities and reduce incarceration rates by promoting investment in education, community development, and a smart-on-crime criminal justice approach.
OpenDoors is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization whose mission is to strengthen communities by supporting the formerly incarcerated. The organization's goals are to:
Successfully reintegrate formerly incarcerated individuals by preparing them pre-release and supporting them during the post release period and beyond; Reduce recidivism by streamlining opportunities for ex-offenders to become integral members of the community and society, nurturing personal responsibility, and advocating for the removal of social and legal barriers to re-entry; Stabilize families of ex-offenders by providing services that build on individual and family strengths and needs; and Reinvest in communities and reduce incarceration rates by promoting investment in education, community development, and a smart-on-crime criminal justice approach.