
The Hawn Foundation

Miami Beach, FL

  • About Us

    Founded by award-winning actress, director and producer Goldie Hawn in 2003, the Hawn Foundation is a non-profit public charity dedicated to helping children reach their highest potential.

    Our mission is equip children with the social and emotional skills they need to navigate the challenges of the contemporary world in order to lead smarter, healthier, and happier lives.

    We do this by developing programs that give young people vital social and emotional skills for improving academic performance, building interpersonal competencies, and increasing resilience and optimism. Our programs target issues like stress and anxiety in the classroom and bullying and aggression on the playground; our goal is to help kids face and overcome these challenges while gaining skills for building bright, successful futures.

    Goldie believes that providing children with a "toolbox for life"--simple strategies they can use throughout their day--greatly enhances their chances for success and happiness at school and in the future.

    Founded by award-winning actress, director and producer Goldie Hawn in 2003, the Hawn Foundation is a non-profit public charity dedicated to helping children reach their highest potential.

    Our mission is equip children with the social and emotional skills they need to navigate the challenges of the contemporary world in order to lead smarter, healthier, and happier lives.

    We do this by developing programs that give young people vital social and emotional skills for improving academic performance, building interpersonal competencies, and increasing resilience and optimism. Our programs target issues like stress and anxiety in the classroom and bullying and aggression on the playground; our goal is to help kids face and overcome these challenges while gaining skills for building bright, successful futures.

    Goldie believes that providing children with a "toolbox for life"--simple strategies they can use throughout their day--greatly enhances…

    Issue Areas Include


    • 1815 Purdy Avenue, Miami Beach, FL 33139, United States

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