
EMA Foundation

  • About Us

    Partnering with social impact organizations to advance their work and build global community.

    Our Belief: We believe that amplifying underrepresented voices creates a vital space for empathy, in which we can recognize our shared humanity and build pathways toward understanding.

    Our Mission: We shift resources to our partners and nurture a dynamic network for people to learn together, bridge differences, and work towards equity.

    Partnering with social impact organizations to advance their work and build global community.

    Our Belief: We believe that amplifying underrepresented voices creates a vital space for empathy, in which we can recognize our shared humanity and build pathways toward understanding.

    Our Mission: We shift resources to our partners and nurture a dynamic network for people to learn together, bridge differences, and work towards equity.

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    Find opportunities to change the world with the latest social-impact job, internship, and volunteer listings. Plus, explore resources for taking action in your community.