Concentric Media is an independent documentary production company based in Northern California with a focus on films that document issues of social justice. Founded by Dorothy Fadiman in 1978, Concentric Media has produced documentaries on various human rights issues, including the historic struggle for reproductive freedom in the United States, the ongoing efforts in Ethiopia to address the HIV/AIDS pandemic, and the need to add progressive values and courses to our schools and efforts to strengthen women's rights in India. Most recently films have focused on election integrity. Concentric Media is a non-profit organization with 501(c)(3) status, sustained through grassroots fundraising, foundation grants and small donations from hundreds of individual donors.
Concentric Media is an independent documentary production company based in Northern California with a focus on films that document issues of social justice. Founded by Dorothy Fadiman in 1978, Concentric Media has produced documentaries on various human rights issues, including the historic struggle for reproductive freedom in the United States, the ongoing efforts in Ethiopia to address the HIV/AIDS pandemic, and the need to add progressive values and courses to our schools and efforts to strengthen women's rights in India. Most recently films have focused on election integrity. Concentric Media is a non-profit organization with 501(c)(3) status, sustained through grassroots fundraising, foundation grants and small donations from hundreds of individual donors.