
DC Greens

Washington, DC

  • About Us

    DC Greens connects communities to healthy food in the nation's capital. We support school garden programs through city-wide professional development trainings; we manage a farmers' market incentive program and Fruit and Vegetable Prescription Program at a collection of area farmers' markets; we are the home of the DC Farm to School Network.

    DC Greens connects communities to healthy food in the nation's capital. We support school garden programs through city-wide professional development trainings; we manage a farmers' market incentive program and Fruit and Vegetable Prescription Program at a collection of area farmers' markets; we are the home of the DC Farm to School Network.

    Cause Areas Include


    • 810 7th St NE, Washington, DC 20002, USA

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    THE WELL AT OXON RUN ASSISTANTWashington, DCPosted 21 hours ago

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