The District 1199C Training and Upgrading Fund is a non-profit, labor-management partnership, focused on workforce development for the health and human services sectors. Founded in 1974, we are governed by a joint Board of Trustees representing Philadelphia Hospital & Health Care Workers Union-District 1199C and 50 regional employers.
The Training Fund's work includes education and GED classes for disconnected youth, adults, and English language learners; and occupational training/registered apprenticeships in six career pathways:
Born out of 1960s-70s cooperation and fusion between the labor and civil rights movements, the Training Fund is unique among most labor-management partnerships in our support for the larger community. More than half of our annual budget is raised independently via grants and other contributions, allowing us to serve hundreds of low- to moderate-income Delaware Valley residents each year, in addition to helping thousands of our affiliated union members achieve their educational and career goals.
The District 1199C Training and Upgrading Fund is a non-profit, labor-management partnership, focused on workforce development for the health and human services sectors. Founded in 1974, we are governed by a joint Board of Trustees representing Philadelphia Hospital & Health Care Workers Union-District 1199C and 50 regional employers.
The Training Fund's work includes education and GED classes for disconnected youth, adults, and English language learners; and occupational training/registered apprenticeships in six career pathways:
Born out of 1960s-70s cooperation and fusion between the labor and civil rights movements, the Training Fund is unique among most labor-management partnerships in our support for the larger community. More than half of our annual budget is raised independently via grants and other…