The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) is the global governing body of the Paralympic Movement and is based in Bonn, Germany. Founded on 22 September 1989 as a non-profit organisation, we aim to be athlete-centred and membership-focussed in all our endeavours.
Working with our 200 plus member organisations, we use Para sport as a vehicle to advance the lives of the world’s 1.2 billion persons with disabilities.
The work of the Paralympic Movement has a transformational impact on society. A strong belief that Change Starts with Sport motivates our international workforce to work as one team, aligned and focussed on fulfilling our vision and mission through delivery of the IPC Strategic Plan.
At the IPC, we work as one team, aligned and focused on fulfilling our vision and mission.
The IPC’s vision is for an inclusive world through Para sport. We believe that Change Starts With Sport, and that the work of the Paralympic Movement is a catalyst for driving social inclusion and advancing the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
The IPC, a purpose-driven non-profit association, is the global governing body of the Paralympic Movement. We oversee the delivery of the Paralympic Games and Paralympic Winter Games and serve as International Federation for five Para sports. We enjoy a positive working relationship with the IPC Governing Board, members of which are democratically elected every four years by the IPC General Assembly. Since 1989, we have been creating change through sport with the Paralympic Games and Paralympic athletes at our core.
The IPC seeks to use the influential global position of the Paralympic Movement and the growing profile of Para athletes to challenge the stigma attached to disability and empower social transformation.
The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) is the global governing body of the Paralympic Movement and is based in Bonn, Germany. Founded on 22 September 1989 as a non-profit organisation, we aim to be athlete-centred and membership-focussed in all our endeavours.
Working with our 200 plus member organisations, we use Para sport as a vehicle to advance the lives of the world’s 1.2 billion persons with disabilities.
The work of the Paralympic Movement has a transformational impact on society. A strong belief that Change Starts with Sport motivates our international workforce to work as one team, aligned and focussed on fulfilling our vision and mission through delivery of the IPC Strategic Plan.
At the IPC, we work as one team, aligned and focused on fulfilling our vision and mission.
The IPC’s vision is for an inclusive world through Para sport. We believe that Change Starts With Sport, and that the work of the Paralympic Movement is a catalyst for…