Locally and nationally, UPLIFTING HEARTS, MINDS & SOULS (HUMS) is a vocal advocate for women who have been victimized, survivors of violence, whether domestic or otherwise, abused, sexual assaulted or raped. Our goal is to make a difference in their lives. Although we are specifically targeting female survivors of violence, we still provide resources and help for children and men as well.
We aim to eventually supply temporary housing and shelter for women and their children. We currently provide resources for shelters, counseling, ministry, therapy in several forms: tradition, drama, art, music etc. Our goal is to have centers that will house all of those types of programs and in addition have a resource center, specialty trainings, relationships classes, community seminars and preventive measures workshops. HUMS does presently do theses types of workshops, trainings and seminars for various organizations. Contact us for booking.
We are dedicated and committed to assist in the healing process for women, children and men and the prevention of such crimes against them.
Locally and nationally, UPLIFTING HEARTS, MINDS & SOULS (HUMS) is a vocal advocate for women who have been victimized, survivors of violence, whether domestic or otherwise, abused, sexual assaulted or raped. Our goal is to make a difference in their lives. Although we are specifically targeting female survivors of violence, we still provide resources and help for children and men as well.
We aim to eventually supply temporary housing and shelter for women and their children. We currently provide resources for shelters, counseling, ministry, therapy in several forms: tradition, drama, art, music etc. Our goal is to have centers that will house all of those types of programs and in addition have a resource center, specialty trainings, relationships classes, community seminars and preventive measures workshops. HUMS does presently do theses types of workshops, trainings and seminars for various organizations. Contact us for booking.
We are dedicated and…