Grantmakers Without Borders is a network of 160 public and private foundations as well as individual donors who practice global social change philanthropy - grantmaking rooted in the ideals of justice, equity, peace, democracy, and respect for the natural environment. Gw/oB seeks to provide grantmakers with the forum for a critical analysis of political, economic, and social systems as a starting point for determining strategy to address fundamental causes of social ills and bring about systemic change. We value and respect the wisdom and experience of local communities in all their diversity and we are dedicated to amplifying the voice of the global South in international philanthropy.
Grantmakers without Borders’ programs and services include: Philanthropic Learning • Annual Conference – our flagship program that attracts over 350 attendees each year. This is open to members and non-members. • Learning Calls - periodic conference call workshops to engage in thinking and dialogue on best practices in grantmaking, emerging issues in key international grantmaking areas, and current events and policies that concern global grantmakers. • Thematic workshops such as Gender and Global Grantmaking
Peer Learning and Sharing: • Interest area networking groups – including Meso-America Grantmakers Group, the Africa Grantmakers Group, the Haiti Grantmakers Group
Information Services • The Weekly Planet e-newsletter • China Philanthropy News - a periodic e-newsletter • Philanthropic consultations and referrals • Member Knowledge Center
Policy Advocacy and Legal Issues • An Advocacy Program focusing on legal and regulatory issues for international grantmaking.
Grantmakers Without Borders is a network of 160 public and private foundations as well as individual donors who practice global social change philanthropy - grantmaking rooted in the ideals of justice, equity, peace, democracy, and respect for the natural environment. Gw/oB seeks to provide grantmakers with the forum for a critical analysis of political, economic, and social systems as a starting point for determining strategy to address fundamental causes of social ills and bring about systemic change. We value and respect the wisdom and experience of local communities in all their diversity and we are dedicated to amplifying the voice of the global South in international philanthropy.
Grantmakers without Borders’ programs and services include: Philanthropic Learning • Annual Conference – our flagship program that attracts over 350 attendees each year. This is open to members and non-members. • Learning Calls - periodic conference call workshops to…