
Order of Malta - Federal Association, U.S.A.

  • About Us

    The Order of Malta is a 900 year old Roman Catholic lay religious Order. The Order of Malta is committed to the motto “Tuitio Fidei et Obsequium Pauperum”, nurturing, witnessing and protecting the faith and serving the poor and the sick.

    Today, the Order carries out these activities in over 120 countries through service and spiritual activities. There are over 13,500 members of the Order of Malta worldwide.

    The Federal Association is one of three associations in the United States, with over 1,000 members. Members volunteer at soup kitchens, homeless shelters, health clinics, food banks, and assisted living facilities in each of our Hospitaller regions.

    The Federal Association, in accordance with the aims of the Order, provides opportunities for members to cultivate their spiritual development.

    In addition, the Federal Association operates an extensive domestic and international grants program, assisting with food, medicine, and other relief supplies to agencies that are providing direct service to the poor.

    The Order of Malta is a 900 year old Roman Catholic lay religious Order. The Order of Malta is committed to the motto “Tuitio Fidei et Obsequium Pauperum”, nurturing, witnessing and protecting the faith and serving the poor and the sick.

    Today, the Order carries out these activities in over 120 countries through service and spiritual activities. There are over 13,500 members of the Order of Malta worldwide.

    The Federal Association is one of three associations in the United States, with over 1,000 members. Members volunteer at soup kitchens, homeless shelters, health clinics, food banks, and assisted living facilities in each of our Hospitaller regions.

    The Federal Association, in accordance with the aims of the Order, provides opportunities for members to cultivate their spiritual development.

    In addition, the Federal Association operates an extensive domestic and international grants program, assisting with food, medicine, and other relief supplies to…

    Issue Areas Include


    • 1730 M Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036, United States
      Suite 403

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