Founded in 2016, Path Forward is on a mission to empower stay-at-home mothers and other caregivers to restart their careers. We fulfill our mission by working with employers to launch, implement and expand returnships -- a specific workforce development program geared toward professionals with post-college work experience and a significant gap in their career due to unpaid caregiving. Our program changes the culture of teams and companies to create an environment where returning caregivers can thrive. Our goal is for these programs to be ubiquitous in corporate America -- as common as campus recruiting, new grad cohorts and other programs aimed at attracting and retaining early career talent.
We’ve now built returnship programs with more than 100 companies, including top employers like Walmart, Netflix, Audible, Apple, PayPal and SAP. We’ve built a brand that is well-recognized by employers and caregivers alike. We have now graduated more than 550 people and 80% have converted into full-time jobs. (Read our 2021 Impact Statement here.)
Founded in 2016, Path Forward is on a mission to empower stay-at-home mothers and other caregivers to restart their careers. We fulfill our mission by working with employers to launch, implement and expand returnships -- a specific workforce development program geared toward professionals with post-college work experience and a significant gap in their career due to unpaid caregiving. Our program changes the culture of teams and companies to create an environment where returning caregivers can thrive. Our goal is for these programs to be ubiquitous in corporate America -- as common as campus recruiting, new grad cohorts and other programs aimed at attracting and retaining early career talent.
We’ve now built returnship programs with more than 100 companies, including top employers like Walmart, Netflix, Audible, Apple, PayPal and SAP. We’ve built a brand that is well-recognized by employers and caregivers alike. We have now graduated more than 550…