the Unidad Academica Campesina-Carmen Pampa (UAC-CP), a unique college in rural Bolivia that provides higher education opportunities to improve the livelihood of Bolivia's rural area. The College's five areas of study (Nursing, Education, Agronomy, Veterinary Science and Ecotourism) have an integrated curriculum that focuses on: academics, production, research, community service extension, and leadership. In 2003 it was recognized by a United Nations Subcommittee on the Eradication of Poverty for its unique and replicable model.
the Unidad Academica Campesina-Carmen Pampa (UAC-CP), a unique college in rural Bolivia that provides higher education opportunities to improve the livelihood of Bolivia's rural area. The College's five areas of study (Nursing, Education, Agronomy, Veterinary Science and Ecotourism) have an integrated curriculum that focuses on: academics, production, research, community service extension, and leadership. In 2003 it was recognized by a United Nations Subcommittee on the Eradication of Poverty for its unique and replicable model.