The Fashionable Earth Organization is a nonprofit organization created to provide information, resources and programs that promote sustainable living and eco-friendly design. Our mission is to motivate, inspire and inform the consumer population toward being more green and eco-friendly, through our mantra “reduce, reuse, restyle!”
While trying to increase our positive impact on the environment, we are also about the glamour in green. Fashion cannot be luxurious, stylish or sexy if it is not sustainable, environmentally sensitive and socially responsible. Fashionable Earth spearheads a number of projects and events, including the T-shirt Revolution, Clothing Swaps, and the Rebirth Couture Collection, to redefine what it means to own fashionable, socially conscientious and earth-friendly clothing. We love all things super-stylish, organic, ethical, just, righteous, honorable, sensible, fair-trade, eco-friendly, vintage and sustainable, and hope to demonstrate that through these projects.
Every time we buy a piece of throw-away-produced-unsustainable fashion we are promoting environmental destruction and human suffering. As consumers, we have the power to change this. By consciously choosing to make responsible clothing purchases, we can drive change, and change the world.
We are committed to solving the world’s environmental and social challenges and hope that through this organization, we provoke others to also think about the planet, fair trade, human rights, sweatshop-free manufacturing and how to reduce, reuse and restyle. The world is full of opportunities to look amazing, live well, and do good deeds. Please join us in striving to reduce, reuse and restyle.
The Fashionable Earth Organization is a nonprofit organization created to provide information, resources and programs that promote sustainable living and eco-friendly design. Our mission is to motivate, inspire and inform the consumer population toward being more green and eco-friendly, through our mantra “reduce, reuse, restyle!”
While trying to increase our positive impact on the environment, we are also about the glamour in green. Fashion cannot be luxurious, stylish or sexy if it is not sustainable, environmentally sensitive and socially responsible. Fashionable Earth spearheads a number of projects and events, including the T-shirt Revolution, Clothing Swaps, and the Rebirth Couture Collection, to redefine what it means to own fashionable, socially conscientious and earth-friendly clothing. We love all things super-stylish, organic, ethical, just, righteous, honorable, sensible, fair-trade, eco-friendly, vintage and sustainable, and hope to…