The South Los Angeles Transit Empowerment Zone (SLATE-Z), a project of Community Partners, seeks to revitalize South Los Angeles by moving residents to economic opportunity. SLATE-Z primarily does this by providing backbone support to a federally designated Promise Zone that focuses on achieving five overarching and interrelated goals, addressing: transit, jobs, public safety, education, and small businesses. The South LA Promise Zone is a place-based, collective impact effort that allows partners to tackle complex challenges around poverty. This work is done through a multi-issue, big-picture focus, with an emphasis on authentic resident engagement that is complemented by convening efforts that engage decision-makers from governmental agencies, businesses, labor, schools, and deeply rooted community-based organizations.
The South Los Angeles Transit Empowerment Zone (SLATE-Z), a project of Community Partners, seeks to revitalize South Los Angeles by moving residents to economic opportunity. SLATE-Z primarily does this by providing backbone support to a federally designated Promise Zone that focuses on achieving five overarching and interrelated goals, addressing: transit, jobs, public safety, education, and small businesses. The South LA Promise Zone is a place-based, collective impact effort that allows partners to tackle complex challenges around poverty. This work is done through a multi-issue, big-picture focus, with an emphasis on authentic resident engagement that is complemented by convening efforts that engage decision-makers from governmental agencies, businesses, labor, schools, and deeply rooted community-based organizations.