The Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose are a congregation of women religious which began in 1876 in San Francisco. We currently live and minister in northern and southern California and in Mexico. Our ministry is to the young, the poor and the vulnerable. Education, elementary and secondary, is our special ministerial focus.
Our Direction Statement affirmed in 2016 states:
The Dominican charism draws us into a deep center of love that impels us to preach. We claim a heightened consciousness for relational living, a way of being in community that transforms us and the world. We embrace this call to transformation, embodying the love that claims us by building bridges of love. Grounded in God, we commit to be women of hope and peace in the face of violence. In Christ Jesus, we take a long, loving look at what is real and respond with mercy and justice....We work for the sustainability of Earth, our sacred home, conscious that we are interdependent with all of creation. We are women of the Word, uniquely individual, who choose to walk together, consciously growing from I to We to One. This unity is the Spirit's transformative work among us. We commit to being authentic, reconciling, participatory, collaborative and transparent. These dimensions of contemplative living model a deepened form of communion with one another; they invite us to embrace the other in harmony , as we seek and speak Truth.
We the Dominican Sisters proclaim this prophetic and inclusive way of being Church and invite others in the mission and vision of Saint Dominic and Mother Pia.!
The Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose are a congregation of women religious which began in 1876 in San Francisco. We currently live and minister in northern and southern California and in Mexico. Our ministry is to the young, the poor and the vulnerable. Education, elementary and secondary, is our special ministerial focus.
Our Direction Statement affirmed in 2016 states:
The Dominican charism draws us into a deep center of love that impels us to preach. We claim a heightened consciousness for relational living, a way of being in community that transforms us and the world. We embrace this call to transformation, embodying the love that claims us by building bridges of love. Grounded in God, we commit to be women of hope and peace in the face of violence. In Christ Jesus, we take a long, loving look at what is real and respond with mercy and justice....We work for the sustainability of Earth, our sacred home, conscious that we are interdependent with all of creation. We are…