AAT Competitions is an organization created by two Georgian high school students, which hosts contests in various fields including Math, Story Writing, Spelling Bee, ... The organization has already existed for over a year. It has hosted the competitions in Georgia (country) in various regions like Tbilisi and Kakheti. It has also collaborated with other organizations for reaching a wide audience like USAID. The organization's goal now is to host competitions internationally in an online regime.
AAT Competitions is an organization created by two Georgian high school students, which hosts contests in various fields including Math, Story Writing, Spelling Bee, ... The organization has already existed for over a year. It has hosted the competitions in Georgia (country) in various regions like Tbilisi and Kakheti. It has also collaborated with other organizations for reaching a wide audience like USAID. The organization's goal now is to host competitions internationally in an online regime.
Different Positions for AAT Competitions | T'bilisi, Tbilisi, Georgia | Posted 3 months ago |