In addition to its primary function as a tourist Lodge, the Evergreen runs an Intern Employment Program in which 18-24 year-old young adults from urban backgrounds join our staff for a program of career-oriented training and work experience in a healthy, supportive community, coupled with exposure to outdoor and recreational life experiences.
Our commitment to our youth program stems from two central beliefs:
Our Youth Program is central to what we do at the Evergreen, and we are proud to have a "double-bottom line" enterprise with both a business and a social mission. Our work is more rewarding as a result of our Youth Program, and our guests can feel good knowing that, by staying with us, they are helping young people to gain experience that they would not otherwise have access to.
To learn more about our youth employment program, please read these recent articles written in the [[javascript:pdfwindow('nytimes.html');|New York Times]] and [[javascript:pdfwindow('fortunesmallbusiness.html');|Fortune Small Business]].
In designing and running our program, we've partnered with [[javascript:jumaventures('jumaventures.html');|Juma Ventures]], an award-winning San Francisco Bay Area non-profit organization. Juma is a nationwide leader in combining employment and programmatic support to help young people. Juma provides invaluable expertise in helping us to deliver the highest impact program possible.
We are also supported by [[javascript:pacificcommunityventures('pacificcommunityventures.html');|Pacific Community Ventures]], an organization whose goal is to develop and invest in businesses that provide economic gains to low-income communities in California.
As a result of our social mission, the Evergreen was certified as a founding [[javascript:bcorporation('bcorporation.html');|B Corporation]], a set of companies that "use the power of business to solve social and environmental problems". [[javascript:bcorporation('bcorporationevergreen.html');|Click here]] to read the Evergreen's B Corporation profile.
In addition to its primary function as a tourist Lodge, the Evergreen runs an Intern Employment Program in which 18-24 year-old young adults from urban backgrounds join our staff for a program of career-oriented training and work experience in a healthy, supportive community, coupled with exposure to outdoor and recreational life experiences.
Our commitment to our youth program stems from two central beliefs:
Our Youth Program is central to what we do at the Evergreen, and we are proud to have a "double-bottom line" enterprise with both a business and a social mission. Our work is more rewarding as a result of our Youth Program, and our guests can feel good knowing that, by staying with us, they are helping young people to…