Collective Communication, Inc. is our corporate name, but we like to think of ourselves as Voices of Humanity.
Mission: Voices of Humanity is a new form of Social Media designed to remake the way humanity sees itself, giving us a positive all-inclusive global consciousness that has gender equality built in.
Our Strategy: We are reaching out in way too many directions at once - we need your help. Bringing the goals of the UN home to San Francisco. Smile for Nuclear Disarmament app. Women's Movement. Interfaith. Plants and Animals. U2. See our main Voices of Humanity - Order out of Chaos discussion.
Collective Communication, Inc. is our corporate name, but we like to think of ourselves as Voices of Humanity.
Mission: Voices of Humanity is a new form of Social Media designed to remake the way humanity sees itself, giving us a positive all-inclusive global consciousness that has gender equality built in.
Our Strategy: We are reaching out in way too many directions at once - we need your help. Bringing the goals of the UN home to San Francisco. Smile for Nuclear Disarmament app. Women's Movement. Interfaith. Plants and Animals. U2. See our main Voices of Humanity - Order out of Chaos discussion.