


  • About Us

    Anchalika jana seva anusthan (AJSA) is an organization evolved with integrated devlopement.Thoughts&action plan to bring about a revolutionary change an the social sector through out the nation.An area wise case study a need based devlopemental approaches keeping in view for the integral development of the society,is the main aim of the organisation. Judicious use of natural,human and physical resources in a sustainable way not only bring about socio economic change of the state but also maintain ecological balance,enriching Micro&macro environment.Devlopement of human resources and thus making each individual a contributing members of the society through proper education,training,right technology and providing right opportunity will definitely make our huge population a boom to our nations.

    AJSA is an organization which stands for a need&right based devlopement approach to social devlopement and empowerment of the society.It is an organizations of several individuals of small farmers,Agriculture workers,Tribals,Dalits and the downtrodden who have been struggling for their Socio-economic upliftment and to build a society based on human values.Who wants to take up various devlopement activities for upliftment of the backwardness&poverty,and for the over all devlopement of rural people,community. It is a grassroot level ngo,which working in bolangir,kalahandi,ganjam districts in Orissa since last 20years.Ajsa started by a group of individuals to work in western Orissa in the year 1990,with the spirit of voluntarisim and gandhian ideology for integral devlopement of the society.Ajsa selected its area of operations initially in bongomunda block of bolangir district and later expand to other districts of Orissa.This geographical coverage area is complex,diverse and risk prone and considered among the most backword regions of the country.This region ofthe rural Orissa generally have had remained neglected by the state and main stream devlopement agencies in the country for generations. And devlopement initiatives by few agencies could not have made any considerable improvement in the quality of lives and livelihoods of the people even after nearly six decades of Indian indipendance.And for which AJSA had born considering the challenges of the region to reckon with the todays society.

    Anchalika jana seva anusthan (AJSA) is an organization evolved with integrated devlopement.Thoughts&action plan to bring about a revolutionary change an the social sector through out the nation.An area wise case study a need based devlopemental approaches keeping in view for the integral development of the society,is the main aim of the organisation. Judicious use of natural,human and physical resources in a sustainable way not only bring about socio economic change of the state but also maintain ecological balance,enriching Micro&macro environment.Devlopement of human resources and thus making each individual a contributing members of the society through proper education,training,right technology and providing right opportunity will definitely make our huge population a boom to our nations.

    AJSA is an organization which stands for a need&right based devlopement approach to social devlopement and empowerment of the…

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